Best Asthma Remedies

25 Top Home Remedies That Really Work
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25 Top Home Remedies That Really Work
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25 Top Home Remedies That Really Work
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25 Top Home Remedies That Really Work
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25 Top Home Remedies That Really Work
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25 Top Home Remedies That Really Work
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25 Top Home Remedies That Really Work
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25 Top Home Remedies That Really Work
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25 Top Home Remedies That Really Work
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25 Top Home Remedies That Really Work
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25 Top Home Remedies That Really Work
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The First Signs of a Nutrient Deficiency
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What are the best asthma remedies? This is what many of you have been wondering for some time now, and that's exactly what I'm going to talk about today. I'm going to cover three different home remedies that will help with asthma symptoms including asthma attacks.
In this article:
What is Asthma?
If you've had an asthma attack before, you know it's not pleasant. What happens is the airway becomes narrow, swollen, and inflamed. This makes it difficult to inhale and causes wheezing. These asthma symptoms can completely derail your day. In some cases, the inability to inhale properly can even cause you to end up in the hospital. That's no fun at all.
Now, the go-to solution for asthma relief is to start using asthma medications to relax the airways. Things like asthma inhalers are commonly used. However, asthma inhalers can sometimes cause asthma symptoms to worsen in the long run by making episodes more frequent. Even more, there are side effects that can come along with using an inhaler—acne, weight gain, and mood changes just to name a few.
So what we're going to talk about are the best asthma home remedies to help support healthy breathing and prevent things like asthma attacks. Keep in mind that these aren't "cures" for asthma, these are just the best asthma remedies which will help support healthy breathing.
If you're on asthma medications such as inhalers, you'll want to keep using those until your doctor says otherwise. However, I wouldn't be surprised if your doctor lowers your dosage if your asthma improves using these remedies.
Let's take a look at three of the best asthma remedies.
The Three Best Remedies for Asthma
1. Vitamin D3
The absolute best remedy for asthma is vitamin D3.
Why? Because vitamin D3 works with the immune system. If you don't already know, allergies and asthma symptoms often occur together. This is also called allergic asthma. That's because an allergy temporarily increases airway inflammation, which leads to asthma side effects such as difficulty inhaling. This doesn't necessarily mean that these allergens are inhaled either. Food allergies and skin-related allergies can trigger asthma as well.
Vitamin D3 acts as an indirect anti-inflammatory by modulating the immune system. This helps avoid allergic reactions in the airway that cause nasty side effects and health problems.
Most asthmatics happen to be deficient in vitamin D3. If you're going to take this vitamin, there are two things you need to know.
You're going to need to take D3 with vitamin K2. These two vitamins work together synergistically. If you take too much D3 alone, you will end up with too much calcium. This can be a problem because not getting enough K2 will drive calcium to the bones, which can lead to joint and tendon inflammation. For every 10,000 IUs of D3, you need 100mcg of vitamin K2.
You're going to need much higher amounts of vitamin D3 if you're asthmatic. That's because your body could be deficient. The ideal amount of vitamin D3 may be around 20,000 IUs to 40,000 IUs. Now, don't get freaked out about these amounts. Getting moderate amounts of D vitamin has virtually no adverse side effects in healthy people. 10,000 IUs is actually only around one mg. Sitting in direct sunlight for just a half hour can supply around 40,000 IUs.
You may have noticed that when kids get a lot of sunlight, their asthma seems to go into remission. If you're able to get more sun, do it. That may really help with your asthma.
The problem is, most people don't get enough vitamin D from the sun. Unfortunately, for those of us that live in the north, it can be very difficult to get enough vitamin D3 from sunlight—especially in the wintertime. That's why it's important to supplement vitamin D3 if you have asthma.
2. Adrenal and Cortisol Support
What's the common asthma medication that people use for treatment? They use a bronchial steroid asthma inhaler. A steroid inhaler is an adrenal hormone called cortisol. Cortisol is a part of the adrenal glands.
You have two adrenal glands at the top of the kidneys. These glands have outer cortexes which produce steroid hormones.
When your adrenals experience burnout, they run out of these helpful hormones which contribute to asthma. Why does this happen? Well, those adrenal hormones are relaxers for the bronchial tubes, and they act as an anti-inflammatory to help get rid of inflammation. If you're deficient in adrenal hormones—even adrenaline—breathing mechanisms can tighten up.
What I recommend for adrenal burnout is an adrenal and cortisol support supplement. Supplements that offer adrenal support don't actually cure asthma, but they will help you by giving you some airway support. Supporting your adrenals may even promote healthy breathing, so you avoid excessive wheezing and other asthma symptoms that affect your airway.
Adrenal and cortisol support supplements help the inside and outside of the gland with key vitamins, minerals, and herbal extracts. These act as a total rejuvenator for your adrenals when they experience burnout. This is a great option if you'd like to transition, with the help of your doctor, to taking fewer steroids or going off of steroids entirely.
3. Apple Cider Vinegar
Other than vitamin D, which we already talked about, there are a variety of other nutrient deficiencies that can contribute to asthma attacks. Those with asthma tend to be low in nutrients like vitamins B3 and B12, zinc, vitamin C, and magnesium. These are all nutrients that you should be getting through your diet.
A nutrient deficiency problem often has to do with a lack of acid in the stomach. When your stomach is too alkaline, it can't break down these essential nutrients that your airway needs. That means that these nutrients that you ingest aren't being absorbed and used up—instead, they just pass through the body.
So, if you don't have enough acidity in your stomach, you can also experience asthma symptoms. Drinking apple cider vinegar helps replenish your stomach's acidity. When you get the acidity of your stomach back under control, you will break down nutrients better so your body can absorb them. Then, you may even experience quick relief for those asthma symptoms and even fewer asthma attacks.
Apple cider vinegar is possibly the easiest way to fix stomach acidity problems. All you need to do is take a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar three times a day. You can add it to some water or use it in a herbal tea for asthma to make it easier to drink. This should help with that stomach acidity and ensure you get the nutrients your body needs to avoid future asthma attacks.
Why Not Give them a Try?
These three simple things should really help with your asthma. The best part is that these natural remedies for asthma offer a holistic approach to dealing with asthma symptoms in the long-term.
You should start to notice better inhalation and fewer severe asthma attacks, but you may also notice your allergy symptoms improving. But don't take my word for it.
Give these a try and see how they work for you.
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