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Wetsuits and garbage


By: Greg

I have been following your Keto videos and applied them. I am locked out of work as a hairstylist during Covid, the reduction in food costs has really helped me financially, also my tendency to procrastinate has mysteriously disappeared and I am completing many creative projects that had stalled. It is as I I have more vital energy and concentration. I was going to buy a new wetsuit as I no longer fit it. I saw your videos and thought I will give that a couple of weeks. So I have done, already I am fitting back into formerly too tight and unwearable old shorts. I know I will be back in my wetsuits easily by fall when I need them. One side benefit I have also noticed is that I have way less garbage and recycling, this is due to not buying pre-made and unhealthy processed foods. Many thanks. Greg Mallett

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