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Weight loss and improved blood test


By: JandJ

Summary of benefits after 1st year:

- Weight loss

- Improved blood markers (all markers normal now)

- Improved sleep quality

- Hot flashes eliminated

- Lower stress response


My husband (in his mid-50s) has lost 40 pounds and his bloodwork has never been as good as it was with his recent physical. PSA and liver enzymes are now in the normal range. Additionally, he has lost 90% of his 'insulin belt' and you were right that it was the last thing to go. His doctor was nothing short of amazed with his overall health. I'm in my mid-50s as well and have lost 15 pounds. I slowly adopted eating habit changes over the past year.

I found that choline/inositol has been a game-changer now that I've entered menopause as I no longer have hot flashes and my sleep quality has improved dramatically. I rarely need to get up in the middle of the night to use the restroom and I now sleep soundly without waking up repeatedly being hot and cold thru the night. The choline/inositol has significantly helped my ability to concentrate and what would have normally caused emotional stress has me less stressed as I tend to "roll with" stuff easier. I take 1000 mg of choline/inositol once a day with my meal, one capsule of Dr. Berg gallbladder support, and 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.

To ensure that my blood sugar stays level thru the night, I take a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with water and a few drops of stevia to make it go down easier. When I make a concerted effort to eat between 30-40 grams of fiber (mostly with vegetables and salad) along with 2-3 eggs a day, I can go a full 24 hours without eating again. I also include avocado oil and Kerrygold cheese to ensure that I have sufficient fat in my meal to carry me over to the next day.

We would have never made these changes in our lives without Dr. Berg. Not only has he helped us, I believe he has helped change the course of the future. I think that healthier people result in happier people who tend to make a positive impact in the world. I have and will continue to refer people to Dr. Berg's videos since he's done so much to benefit our lives. Thank you, Dr. Berg!!

Thank you for closing your private practice and dedicating your life to spreading your knowledge for those of us who would have never known how easy it is to become healthier and happier. Best wishes and blessings to you and your family.

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