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vital again and less pain in my gut


By: Nathalie

Hi Dr. Berg,

You asked to write down success stories when I benefit from your videos, so here is mine.

I went to see a orthomoleculair therapist because I suffered a lot having lots of pain caused by IBS. I already skipped gluten and lactose and some sorts of fruit and vegies but still I was in pain. The therapist took some blood and got it tested. She also adviced me to skip carbs and watch your videos to get ideas about what to eat instead. We also talked about IF and so I started KETO. This was april this year so in this few months I changed my diet I became a completely different person. I'm no longer hungry between meals, I lost a lot of wheight (a little to much I guess, so that's a point that needs attention), I can work my hours (30 a week), take long walks, do the housekeeping, take care of our kids, be a good wife and friend and daughter and most important of all: I enjoy life and don't have the pains I suffered from.

Our two daughters got used to having a mum that had to return to bed so often around daytime that they start to complain of less free time because I'm around downstairs minding their business ;-). I'm so glad my life changed, I don't know to explain this in words, but I want to thank you a lot for your advices and explanations about how our bodies work and how we can support them.

So, thanks a lot and please keep making your videos!!! I have one question for you: one of your recent videos is about walking after meals. My therapist adviced me the opposite. She claims I should walk before meals. so after a meal, I rest giving my body enough energy to digest the food and liquid I took. So now I'm confused. Don't pity it, because I do a lot of walking, so I do walk between meals, but the most part of my walking is before a meal and I wait an hour before I start the next walk. Maybe you can do another video on this subject. So, I'm very grateful to you and your team and hope to inspire more people around me to change their diet.

Lots of love, Nathalie de Boer, the Netherlands

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