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Victory over diabetes!


By: Dawn Sheppard

Devastated by a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes at the age of 31, I was extremely motivated to gain self-control before it was too late. I feared ALL the ugly side effects of diabetes from leg loss to blindness.

I began taking insulin and at times, I had allowed myself to not get to food in time. That created extremely low blood sugar that felt so amazingly awful that at times I had nearly driven my car through a drive-through restaurant in desperation to get to a sprite before I lost consciousness. I never wanted to feel that again so I began a keto lifestyle.

I was able to drop 115 pounds and drop all medication from my life and have had a normal A1C and have maintained that to this day. I’m 45 this year and I take 0 medications for diabetes or anything else for that matter.

Now, life seasons can be hard and for 2 years during Covid, I had to be the caretaker for my mom and I started a business in my home. It was bad timing, to say the least, and I ended up homeschooling my 3 kids as the schools were shut down, I was working very hard getting the business off the ground, and caring for my very sick mom who lived nearly an hour from me. I mention this season because I gave in to temptation and stop eating the low-carb lifestyle for that 2 years. I gained all but 30 pounds back and felt miserable, sick, and tired, and I had aged quite a bit in that short time. I took a selfie one day a few months ago and it snapped me back to reality. I was living an unbalanced life with a horrible fear that if I went to see a physician they would attempt to put me on medication. My mom had now passed. I had to let the business go as it was too much to handle at that time and it was time to regain balance. I restarted my keto lifestyle and it fit like an old glove. My body desperately needs the load taken off my pancreas and liver.

I’m nearly 30 pounds down and my energy is back, my blood sugar is stable, and I feel alive again. I am the poster child for keto and its amazing benefits. My 0 medication life is the biggest testimony I could bring you…well that and my body parts are all still here and functional haha.

I found Dr. Berg on YouTube about 4 years ago, and he gave me the medical and scientific answers I craved. I love to devour his information and feel empowered in knowing the “why”. I’m so thankful for the content over these years. God bless you all!

Dawn Sheppard

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