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Transformation with Keto and intermittent fasting Type 2 Diabetes


By: Jennifer Hollander

Thank you, Dr. Berg! Your information has made such a huge difference for me. I was diagnosed with Diabetes Type 2 about 7 years ago, on medications for about 5. Overweight and couldn’t lose weight even though I was following the instructions given to me by the diabetes nutritionist and Endocrinologist but things were not getting better, with more medications were being recommended. I was hopeless, had huge stress events happen which triggered my emotional eating and I am in menopause. Sure made things difficult. I really hated the insulin shots.

So, last year I decided I was going to make a health journey with the goal of getting off medications and really dealing with my emotional eating and health. I started out with Noom which dealt with the psychological issues and lost 25 lbs. I was glad but it took 8 months and was a struggle. I knew something was missing so was looking for what would make a difference. My niece had done the keto diet and had huge results so I found a program that was keto with intermittent fasting focused on Type 2 transformation.

Since 9/25, I lost an additional 25 lbs and am now down 50 lbs total. I feel the best I have in 20 years. The ketogenic diet made immediate changes in my blood sugars my A1C went from 8.2 to 6.1 in 3 months, and I just found out my A1C is now 5.6, normal! This has happened for 5 months with Keto and intermittent fasting. I just had a follow-up with my Endocrinologist and I get to transition off insulin with the end goal to be off all diabetic meds!

All of my blood work was excellent including my triglycerides which have not been in the normal range for 7 years. Your videos and information have helped me in this transformation and I am so grateful. Committed to this lifestyle and will add these exercises to my routine. Incredibly appreciative and can not express my thanks enough.

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