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Tony Nelson's Story

Images Story

By: Tony Nelson

Tony Nelson was not only overweight and out of shape; he was also allergic to the foods he was eating. He felt ill and wanted to set a better example for his kids. So he changed his diet by eliminating carbs.

Nelson found Dr. Berg by doing a YouTube keto search and learned important lessons from him about adrenal glands. “I had no idea how important getting your adrenal glands healthy was,” he said. “I now am not only physically healthier but also mentally healthier because of this turnaround.”

When he first started keto, he experienced “keto flu” symptoms; he said he wished he had known more before he started. “I was pretty messed up and probably dehydrated from not doing enough research,” he said. “That keto flu hit me very hard as I was eating ice cream and pizza almost daily and my body was addicted to sugar.”

Other than that initial challenge, Nelson said that nothing else about his keto journey was hard. “I haven’t found a negative aspect yet,” he said.

Now, he feels a 100 percent improvement and no longer struggles with IBS. He started his keto journey to quit feeling sick all the time; with this way of eating, all his food allergies have been eliminated. “I am no longer poisoning myself with foods,” he said.

Since starting keto Nelson has lost 150 pounds (68 kg) and although he’s met his weight-loss goal, he plans to continue keto for the rest of his life.

One tip he offers is to never step on a scale except at the doctor’s office. “It is just going to cause stress and worry,” he said.  “I just follow my plan and it leads to better health.”

Favorite Way to Exercise: “I have a routine now at a gym but [I’m] working on stretching and flexibility for the first time in my life,” said Nelson.

Favorite Keto Recipe: Kale salad with avocado dressing and grass-fed steak with butter

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