Thyroid disorder Help


By: Loella Jones

I have a thyroid disorder, Hashimoto's disease. I am taking my medication as ordered by my Doctor. However, I was still affected by mood swings, depression, low energy, and weight gain. I have been watching your videos and making small changes. In that time, I have learned to manage my gut bacteria, which helps with bloating and my mood. I eat and take vitamins, I.E magnesium, and I keep depression at bay. I get sunlight daily and have been walking more outside. I eat eggs and low carbs. Most importantly, I fast when I can, and on the days that I fast, I am in a better mood and have more energy. So I'm working to make this a part of my life. I have also lost 15 pounds in 6 months, to some, this may not be a big deal, but for someone with my issues, this is monumental. The small changes I made if done consistently will lead to better health in time. My problem now is motivation and consistency and learning about my body and how it processes food. It's hard to break lifelong habits, but your videos have educated so much. Thank you!

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