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The turning point


By: Wendy

I have suffered with extreme digestive issues since 2012. I have been treated in the ER for Diverticulitis 3 times in 3 yrs. I was quite sure it was only a matter of time, it would kill me. Doctors won’t even talk about digestive issues, much less what can be done about it. Then, last year one of your videos popped up on my YouTube. I don’t remember what it was about, but I did notice you were pro natural approach to healing. I since have watched and researched your videos to find what I can do to help myself. I recently came to realize that I have SIBO! I began intermittent fasting and taking Olive Leaf Extract with Oleuropine, as well as modifying my diet appropriately. In 3 weeks time I have no bloating and no pain. The hardest part was keeping ahead of the Herx reaction. I still have some issues with foggy head and dizziness in the morning, but I believe that will resolve its self with more time. I’m 67 yrs old and I’m not going to accept this is the way it is when you get older!!! You’re willingness to share your knowledge so freely has blessed my life immensely. I have researched and shared your videos with friends and family who are also now at the turning point, thanks to you!

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