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The truth


By: Ghada mansour

Hi Dr Berg. My keto story started after I watched few of your videos on YouTube. It took me some time to decide whether to try it or not I was a bit worried about the high fat food. I used to search online about it and most of the answers were negative and lack of knowledge about the keto diet, and Dr. Berg made me believe some of the scary parts. I decided to fast I knew this part was very safe to do. I lost weight just by fasting 16 hours and I was having two meals that were very encouraging, so I decided to start the keto diet three meals a day it worked very well for me. I was enjoying my food and losing weight without any exercise. Now I have been on keto for eight months and I lost the weight in a short time and it's very easy to maintain. I will never go back. Thanks for your hard work, Dr. Berg. I spent most of my life dieting and trying to stay healthy - sometimes I lose the weight but I use to put it back on simply because it's not the right way. I was on a very low fat diet- now I know how bad that was for me. Now I tell you about my heart problems and how it improved on keto diet. I had athma / arthritis/weak bones /fatty liver /prediabetic/cholesterol/depression/anxiety/brain fog/forgetful/ the worst out of all is the sugar craving and ...low energy. Now am nearly 15 kg less and that's all I needed to lose. I have better memory, my bones and muscles are stronger / focused/I no longer use my inhalers/energetic/healthier skin /arthritis is much better/brain fog inflammation is almost zero. Very impressive point how much my sleep has improved. I would urge people to try it watching the videos and understanding. It is very important because knowledge is power. We are lucky to find you, Dr. Berg. I always go back to your videos watching ones again.  All the best .

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