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The perfect diet


By: Edis

Hi, my name is Edis, 34years old, I'm from Romania but living in UK. Before commenting to UK 3 years ago, I have about 72kg with 174cm height and then I started to get fat. The BIG problem was sugar, everything here in the UK has a lot of sugar compared with the rest of the EU and not to mention at every corner you find fast food. Anyway, before UK, I was doing a keto diet without knowing, low carb and a lot of eggs, cheese, salads, and fish. Then in UK, I got fat and I couldn't get rid of the extra weight, being so naive I listen to some people that "you need carbs for energy and blah blah blah" until one day, when I find one of your videos by mistake and then I realized what I was doing. So from the begging of July until now, I got from 84kg to 76kg and I want to get to 70kg. I'm a truck driver, usually, I wake very early 4-5 am, prepare my meal and go to work. I had my first meal around 8 am 4-5 eggs chicken and duck with blue cheese, mozzarella, and goat cheese. With a smoothie from spinach or celery with blueberries and raspberries and a green tea. The second meal it's at around 12 pm and it's a salad. I buy the mixed green leaves, add tomatoes, cucumber, spring onion, again goat or sheep cheese, parmesan, and olive oil, and then intermittent fasting until the next day. I want to say that I feel awesome, full of energy, I'm working around 12hours every day and working out at home. I want to thank you for reminding me about my forgotten diet. I keep telling my friends about the diet and the truth about carbs and sugar but they don't give a damn, except my parents, they started to eat like I do. Again, thank you and see you in your next videos.

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