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By: Vernon M

I started intermittent fasting and keto last May and In 6 weeks, I’ve seen my hgbA1c go back to normal which is truly amazing for the last 3 years. I’ve been borderline diabetic and was diagnosed with fatty liver. As a 48 years old Filipino, I consume a lot of rice! We typically eat rice 3x a day and sometimes even 4! Seeing my hgbA1c constantly rising I know I have to do something then I stumbled upon your topic on insulin resistance and fatty liver and eventually I got hooked or more I’d say educated and decided I really have to do something. The other day I got the result of complete abdominal ultrasound and amazingly my liver showed normal! And this is just 3 months into the program. I hope I can stick to this program and just become a part of me and wife’s lifestyle. I can’t thank you enough Dr Berg for helping people like me.

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