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Derek Johnson|Thank you


By: Derek Johnson

Thank you for your videos. You are the best doctor I have ever seen or heard of. You are practical-wise and give science-based common sense approaches to health that also offer hope. I have been diagnosed with multiple autoimmune disorders and many health challenges with my digestive system. Before seeing your videos, I was hospitalized in the emergency room and I was throwing up blood. I threw up 1 whole litter of blood and they told me I was on the verge of needing a blood transfusion- it was a terrifying experience and the feeling of my stomach filling up with blood and then vomiting and my mouth tasting pure undiluted blood and seeing that was horrifying. The doctors told me I very easily could have and even should have died. After discharge the doctors really didn't offer any follow up care or advice or information- really just kind of threw me back out to the wind. They really seem to lack empathy and the general idea of western medicine is that doctors generally get paid to keep their patients sick. I am so very blessed to have come across your videos, and I have lost over 20 pounds so far and I am starting to feel myself getting healthier. I was unable to do even 1 sit up before now. Just yesterday I did 120 sit-ups (12 sets of 10) and I did 40 push ups (8 sets of 5). I have an omega juicer and I have just been following your dietary guide and I have noticed a major improvement in only 21 days. I have been to the emergency room so many times and before I saw your videos that I was giving up on life and even feeling very suicidal. Now I am starting to feel like I have hope and I am feeling so much better. I like how your videos also offer so much hope - something that other doctors don't offer. Every single doctor I have ever encountered has always just wanted to load me with medicine and never gave me any hope. Thank you for your videos - please don't ever stop making them. You have helped me beyond any words that can be expressed and you are helping so many others. Thank you and God bless you and your family- Jesus Bless

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