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By: Martin arce

Hello, my name is Martin and I've been following Dr. Berg's videos for a few years now. I have bought the books and some of his supplements. I have done many months of research on keto and intermittent fasting over the years and learned a lot. My problem wasn't the lack of knowledge, but the will to commit to it. I'm an ironworker and I travel for work. I'm 6'6" and my weight when I started on May 12 of 2021 was 430lbs. I was a heavy drinker, which I did everyday. I was a smoker, a pack a day or more. On May 12, I made the decision to quit drinking because I was no longer getting the effects of the alcohol. In turn, I decide to start my weight loss journey to keep myself busy and not think about drinking. So of course brush up on my knowledge of keto and what to cook and went straight to one meal a day. Reason being was just because I was conveniente because of my work schedule. I've had maybe 5 cheat meals since. I no longer drink alcohol or any sugar drinks. Don't smoke and I am now at weighing 325 as of July 31, 2021. I have a long was to go still but definitely have made a big change in my life thanks to this great information. I want to thank God more the anyone or anything for giving me the strength to start and continue with this. I also want to thank my friends and family that continue to support my journey. Lastly thanks Dr. BERG for all the information you share with the world.

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