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Constance Achia Afranie|SUCCESS STORY:


By: Constance Achia Afranie

HEALTHY KETO/IF SUCCESS STORY CONSTANICE ACHIA AFRANIE @ 63 Live in Lagos –Nigeria 7, Afolabi St, Chemist Bus/stop Okota Road, Isolo – Oshodi Local Government Area.



I discovered Keto Diet on 01/07/2019 on YouTube while searching for a solution for flat belly. I stumbled on Dr. Eric Berg’s Healthy Keto plan and intermittent fasting. you get healthy to lose weight not lose weight to get healthy. I watched the video and he went further to say; Healthy Keto can put your body in a nice shape, get back your flat stomach. At this point, it was a direct speech to me, it cut my attention. And I fall in love with IF which I wanted to know more about it. That brief explanation, with my interest in IF, it drew a conclusion in me that I have gotten a solution I wanted. I wrote a short comment and left. Dr. Berg sent his 3 videos to me to watch and that got me to Keto.



There were some challenges before doing Keto: Big stomach, Red short blood eyes that's also itchy, Loss of hair, Stress, at times Short memory, Premature grey hair, At times back to waist pain. Then my weight was above normal 84kg. At this point, I know I need to do something faster.



The irony side of it was I did not know any diet other than religious exercise, that is fasting /praying, that could last for days like:1,,21 days and above. Eating one meal a day and sometimes without food as the need arose. If I had discovered intermittent fasting then, it would have been the best of my life. Because at the end of long fasting, I shake off some weight and also looked refreshed. But a few days after the exercise, I begin to gain more weight because fasting is not a diet nor guided by any diet, what to eat and what to avoid and the benefits, etc. I go back to the junk foods to spike more insulin ignorantly, not getting my good result because I was not doing it according to a diet plan and pattern as a healthy Keto Diet. I have no regrets whatsoever; I found it at the right time.



I started KETO Diet in October 2019, which was four months later I was introduced by Dr. Berg. I took advantage over the few months to organize and prepare myself for my keto diet journey. I listen to Dr.Berg’s audio clips and life teachings, watching his videos and messages pertaining to his program including health tips. I also took note of eating /fasting techniques, amazing! How such techniques can Lower insulin levels Rise growth hormone (GH) in the body interestingly! If IF can get into the immune system, get rid of accumulated toxins with autophagy the anti-aging natural mechanism, cleanses, eliminates the old cells which leads to longevity. I listen to other information like the Adaptation adjustment phase to switch fuel source from sugar to fat burning (Ketosis) to get rid of every unwanted symptom with genetic issues etc. understanding some of the principles, regulations, the dos, and Dont's, what to eat and what to avoid through Dr.Berg’s teaching guide into a healthy Keto Diet plan and intermittent fasting. I was encouraged and strengthened to jump-start my Keto Diet journey. To crown it all, Dr.Berg adequately has designed a kit and recommended supplements with a lot of benefits to support making the Keto/ IF journey easier and simpler. Along with Keto meal plans, I grabbed the opportunity to master some of the meals, recipes, and deserts, etc. when I heard Dr. Berg, the professional Nutritionals say! Good food heals disease, of a truth Keto has the best and healthy foods when it comes to diet. I assumed if there’s any quality and healthy food for living apart from high carbohydrate, fatty, and junk foods, etc. until I heard Dr. Berg says! You need to eat well to obtain all necessary nutrients that would help you fix insulin resistance etc. This piece of information speed my motivation to a decision! This is the best place for me and it’s my solution center. I hopefully leaped for joy and that settled it. Thank you Dr. Berg.



Since I started keto, there has been an ironic progressive improvement in my weight loss

1) 84kg to 58kg to 48kg

2) flat tummy now

3) red shot blood eye with itchy-clear

4) hair loss restoring

5) Premature grey hair changes to beautiful colors.

6) Back and waist pain with the weight gone.

7) Stressful time needs some improvements All these challenges out of 7,6 are taken care of.

These rapid results come as a result of following the instructions, guidance according to the plan and pattern of Keto. I increase my fasting from 16/8-24-48-72 hrs. According to Dr. Berg, if you need a fast and good result, add healthy Keto to IF. Eat dense food. Good sleep and intensify in your exercise. Increase in your intake of veggies that can give you the nutrients, vitamins like vitamin A, B, C, D & K, Potassium, Magnesium, and Chromium, which can bring the insulin down. I took advantage of those things. Amazingly with IF playing a role in bringing down inflammation, the pathogenic microbes in the body recycled giving the body a new outlook. It’s great. I like Avocados, eggs, salmon, and sardine. With all seriousness to the information at hand, putting them to work brought a tremendous result. I also use some of Dr. Berg’s recommendation supplements products – Raw Wheat Grass Lemon Juice –Trace mineral V.D3 K2, etc. Before I realized all those symptoms are taken care of.



An average day of Eating and Fasting on Keto; alternatively, day fasting is one way to do Intermittent fasting. It’s a complete guide to IF and it’s a perfect Keto that can give you 30 days best result. On this diet, one meal a day, which you would eat 8 hrs and fast for the other 16 hrs (including sleep) IF is eating only during an 8hrs window during the day and the 16hrs fasting can support lose weight, improve blood sugar, boost brain function and increase longevity. Fasting, or going with food can help one to achieve the state of Ketosis and can also enter into Ketosis between meals. In some cases, one may go a longer fasting period of 24hrs – 48hrs by choice or recommendation. One of the 24hrs fasts, once or twice a week. Another involves fasting every day for 16hrs and eating all your food within the remained 8hrs window. This also helps reduce abdominal fat by 6 -24 weeks. Conclusion of the matter in these fasting or diet, you look for what’s good for you typically.

)For quick results add Keto to IF

2) Eat dense food or balance a healthy diet during the eating period.

3) Eat healthful fat, butter, olive oil, coconut oil, and avocado oil, etc.

4) Organics: veggies, tomatoes, etc.



Exercise is one of the most important tools which play a vital in keto with unique health benefits and there are different types of exercise, but I personally consider a long walk. The benefits are combustion which I can say affects almost the totality of the human body. Improve for anxiety and depression Circulation Mental decline Brain Heart to become more efficient Strengthens joints It enhances sleep Blood sugar Oxygen for health benefits It can give you energy It improves endurance It reduces stress It can promote weight loss By taking a daily walk for 30-60+ minutes helps me provides most of these incredible benefits than other types of exercise.



The greatest mistake I ever made since I started Keto which caused me regrets was my cheat day, which led me into serious cravings that almost landed me to insulin resistance. Contemplating on how to come out, I entered into the home of plateau 6-8, almost all the members of keto symptom welcomed me: without any apology. Headache Fatigue Rashes Constipation Itching etc.( only one disobedience) led to plateau 6 - 8 I was suffering in silence, fear didn’t allow me to tell the ability to coach, Dr. Berg, because he sounded the warning. one little temptation to crave to cheat led me to suffer and it took me almost 4 weeks to get out of it. I retreated, gathered information that helped the situation start afresh, increased my fasting from 16/8 24 windows to a long fasting from24 hrs-48-72hrs. Added keto to IF for effective jump start ketosis-sugar burning to fat burning. I lowered my carb intake to 20-50 grams per day. Put the metabolism state of ketosis into a fast lane and produces amazing results. At this juncture, I followed the given instructions, I cut down cravings to lower insulin lever and raise hormone. Go on organic foods and more veggies- cruciferous and I use bile and sea salt to taste for loss of fluid to support healthy adrenal glands. To rejuvenate my metabolism, potassium, magnesium, and minerals, also take water normally. I used some of the recommended products Dr. Berg has designed for Keto, like Trace minerals (2) Raw Wheat Grass Lemon Juice best so far, vitamin D3 & K2, Gallbladder and Electrolytes to support build-up cells, support hydration, healthy muscles, and high energy mixed with potassium. (Electrolytes). Trace minerals - Enhances your zinc level, hair, Nails, skin, etc. I discovered my Body Type as Liver Body Type and I got the Kit as Dr. Berg advised me, I discovered the need to rejuvenate my micro-nutrient ratio and become careful on my high fat and low carb eating pattern. I also increased the level of my daily intensive exercise and I gave myself a good bed rest for 7 to 8 hrs. I also used coconut oil( vitamin A, E, D,& K2), butter also has benefits. I also discovered that salmon fish and sardine have a lot of benefits that can support the situation like salmon fish's nutrients -3-4 oz-200 calories. 1) EPA & DHA- omega 3 fatty acid. 2) Essential-Nutrients for heart health 3) power the brain 4)Aid weight loss 5) Eye health 6) Reduces Inflammation 7) Health skin 8) V- B12 9) protein 10) potassium. DHA-EPA-Essential vitamins and minerals V-B12 and calcium at this point that all the symptoms both craving and insulin resistance were rendered impotent. If with Autophagy –Anti-aging the natural regulated mechanism cleanses got rid of old cells which leads to longevity. And got back to the wagon.



1. My piece of advice: Never lose hope good things will come. It’s a privilege that you identify with Keto. If you utilize the privilege wisely with determination you will achieve your goals. Keto is designed for you. Keto is home of HOPE for the hopelessness. A healthy lifestyle. Keto: A home of purpose and discoveries. Keto: A home of Excellence peace and joy as you see your new life spring forth. Don’t stress yourself too much good will come. Please! Pay attention to every instruction and take advantage of the teachings. They will guide you against every pitfall or danger ahead. Keto Home of No Regrets. IF you do it well. SHALOM

2. IMPROVE IN YOUR WEAKNESSES Avoid procrastination; pay the price to avoid too many excuses on your schedule. No excuses do it better when the right time is passed even if it’s a genuine excuse. Obey authorities, partial obedience it’s equal to disobedience. Prompt response is another gateway to healthy living and success. Healthy Keto with excellent results:

(A) Get Dr. Eric Berg’s Keto kit designed for you.

(B) Get your body type kit.

(C) Get the recommended supplement products designed for your health. 1. Raw Wheat Grass, Lemon Juice – Very rich. 2. Nutritional Yeast - Amazing 3. Liquid Vitamin D with Zinc – support DUO Hormone and mood level –it’s a super power.

(Q3). Don’t stress yourself too much,

(A) No matter how bad the situation maybe it will change.

(B) Why you’re in Keto? Always remember that your present situation is not your destination. With your prompt response to the guidance, the best in you will come out.

(C) Believing in yourself and your leaders – Gateway to success. Never lose hope. You’re in the right place. Please don’t forget that many are dying out there where you came. Look through the door, peep through the windows and on the streets. They are waiting for your help. Please take the good news to them. Be a savior to your community, your city, and to the world. Don’t get tired.


My vote of thanks to all officials who make good things happen. Your encouragement, assistance, your good conduct, and affection, etc. It’s amazing. The Best Team the Keto Consultants, I applaud you. Your good work will not be forgotten. God Bless You All. Thanks. MY APPRECIATIONS TO BOSS AND THE PRUDENT WIFE “When eating fruit, remember the one who planted the tree” and the ground. There are some personalities or dignitaries in society and the world that you cannot ignore or forget because they are antidotes. They are saviors and deliverers. They don’t watch for things to fall apart. Themselves are participants (Patriotic). With a deep passion in my heart, I say thanks to both of you. Madam Karen Berg and Dr. Eric Berg. Your type of leadership never exists elsewhere. Your passion for the suffering and dying world is extreme. Your leadership is a form of Autophagy and IF transforming lives inside out for a healthy and youthful lifestyle. You transformed my weakness into wisdom. I appreciate you Doc. The prudent wife, The International and Intercontinental Chef - Madam Karen Berg. Ma’am! My head is down with a load of appreciation to you. You never denial me a single day the Keto diet, Meal. Recipes, Desserts, and Keto friendly snacks. Wow! The Avocado Salmon Salad, Dijon Chicken Breast, and Jaco's Bacos, Cheesy and delicious. You are an epistle and a role model indeed!

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