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Skinny person reversed T2D


By: Julia

Thank you, Dr. Berg! I am writing a book about my experiences and will be quoting you!!!! Hope you don't mind. I was having sleep issues, high Triglycerides, blood pressure issues, out-of-whack numbers for blood glucose, cholesterol. Your videos (average 5 minutes, which I love). But I was skinny, not sedentary, not a couch potato. I could not figure it out. Neither could my doctor. Then I watched some of your videos. Amazing! Your interview with Dr. CHris Knobbe on vegetable oils was spot on. I was using them in everything. After I stopped, numbers came into alignment. But still had sleep issues. You have a video mentioning Benphotiamine, and how T2D meds will deplete B1. It was the key. Still trying to figure out if using flax seed is good or bad. The fiber helped my digestion and leaky gut heal so that was fabulous. Keep up the great work! God bless you and your wife!!!!!! Julia

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