Reversing G6PDD
By: Gerardo Garcia
Hello Doctor Berg! My name is Gerardo Garcia and my story begins 12 years ago when I came to this country United States and start eating what the people call here "healthy food" became vegetarian for my own good because we all know in other countries that this country will give you just to come here 70 something more percent or percent of the risk of cancer. So I tried the vegetarian style of living and made the mistake of eating for more than 7 years every morning breakfast oatmeal with a lot of nuts and honey. 4 years ago, I was diagnosed with G6PD deficiency which they told me was an inherent disease and that it was gonna be progressive. But now that I have been on keto and fasting for almost two years, I got rid of kidney damage(nail marks), my hair that got completely Gray is now black again, I got super fatty liver, but now I'm normal, also was having impotency problems but now I'm cured of this and on the process of loosing 45pounds and my energy is back. I really feel like when I was 25 years old being 45. Thank you for sharing this vital information Señor Doctor Berg
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