Results are not the same


By: LaDonna

I am a 62-year-old woman, I love to be active with walking and bike riding. At the suggestion of my naturopath doctor, I went on the keto way of eating which was similar to the Atkins that I have done before and loved. Since finding Dr. Berg, I have also included intermittent fasting and only eat two times a day. I am on the fourth month of avenue clean keto and intermittent fasting and I do not have any cheat moments and I feel relatively well but the weight is coming off extremely slowly. If at all. My success is that I have not quit. I know this is good for me and I think it is mentally and emotionally unhealthy to consider success only in the actual pounds on the scale that we see we’ve lost. My size has changed but the scale has not changed much but I still see this as success I wish we could get away from the bondage of scales and see success as health.

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