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By: Shawn Lewis

Hi Dr. Berg.

First off, I want to thank you for stepping out of the box of medicine and do what SO MANY doctors are afraid to do or not smart enough to do, which is to treat the problem itself and not the side effect! 

I just turned 50 years old a couple of months ago and I feel better today than I did over 15 years ago when I was in my 30's! 

I've always been somewhat fit my entire life having a mom that was obese most of her life and struggled with losing weight during my childhood. She died at the ripe old age of 52 years from a brain aneurysm. She was a hard worker and my personal angel but ate horrible and smoked. I, for the most part, took fairly good care of myself but took up smoking myself in my mid 20's and finally quit for good around the age of 42. But growing up I played a lot of active sports and after starting my career from my 20's moving forward. 

I was one of those guys that ate fairly well but had my fair share of sweets and stuff. Over the course of several years, I would gain about 15 to 20 pounds then I would diet losing most of it and then go back to my routine and gain it back after several years and diet again just doing the same thing over and over and over. 

After following your YouTube channel, I decided a few months ago that I needed to clean up my act. Life is going as fast as a rocket and after just losing my dad to Dementia, Parkinson's or whatever...the doctors couldn't even get a fix on what was wrong with him, I decided I didn't want to go down like that. He was 81 years old and was doing okay, until he was about 77 years old and he ended up retiring because his mental and physical ability was declining at a record pace. 
I've never seen someone deteriorate so rapidly. Doctors put in a heart pacemaker because he had no energy and felt terrible all of the time. The only reason I'm mentioning this is that I have seen on a video of yours, you were describing certain deficiencies of the heart and from what you were describing...it fit my father to a tee and I felt you actually had a handle on what eventually killed him and multiple doctors couldn't even figure this out or purposely ignored the solution, so they could increase their income from the surgery they eventually performed that didn't help AT ALL! 

I am writing to you though to tell you that before I followed your advice, I have seen nearly a dozen of ailments disappear, nothing major and all little things but can't say how pleased I am that they have gone away...especially at my age. 

Here are the items that have completely gone away since I started fasting and eating cruciferous vegetables, 100% grass fed beef/bison, wild caught fish/shellfish, pasture raised ONLY poultry/eggs, while completely cutting out processed carbs and sugar. 

After only 6 weeks this is the result: 
1. Gator looking skin disappeared from the back of my heels 
2. Many of my vericose veins have diminished in appearance 
3. My wife said I stopped snoring and breath more evenly 
4. No heart flutters at night
5. I sleep better 
6. Better energy now than 15 years ago 
7. Libido increased 
8. Pain in right knee when climbing ladder has stopped 9. I went from 218 lbs down to 196 lbs in 6 weeks. 
10. More tone (of course) 
11. I've had a few people tell me I look younger...and ask what am I doing?! 

Anyway, it feels great. I've been intermittent fasting every day since June 2020 so it's been nearly a year with my intermittent fasting. But my listed results didn't really start until I really got serious in April 2021 right before my 50th birthday and combined my fasting with cleaning up my diet 100%, and then extending my fasting to two 24 hour fasts each week usually on Monday and Wednesday, while continuing to skip breakfast every day. 

Thank you for EVERYTHING and your science-based knowledge, and thanks …

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