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Recovery from bipolar disorder, fibromyalgia and cognitive disfunction


By: Francois du Plessis

Good morning. The story I want to share concerns myself and two of my daughters. I will start with my own story. I have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder 12 years ago and have never been stable. I suspect that I might have been depressed since childhood. I am on medication, but still do not feel "stable". In June 2019, I started to fall into depression and I could not get any medication to work. I also started to experience loss of my short-term memory and loss of my general cognitive ability (ability to think clearly). I am an engineer, so the reduced brain function was a real concern to me. In August 2020, I realized that I am also starting to experience issues with my blood sugar. I found a new psychiatrist that started to alter my medication, but he did not see any connection between my brain function and the blood sugar. I would daily experience blood sugar crashes at work. I finally met a doctor that gave me a comprehensive checkup and indicated that I am insulin resistant. I weighed 92kg. He recommended that I go on the Keto diet and I have never since had a blood sugar crash. I have lost 12kg over a period of 6 months, but the biggest impact was not my blood sugar or my weight, but my mental ability. It took about 2 weeks after I started with the Keto diet for my depression to completely go away. At the same time I experienced what was like an explosion in my brain with my cognitive function returning. I could suddenly think and reason and develop concepts from first principles like I have never before been able to do. Some of my colleagues ever asked me what happed to me since something has clearly changed. Today, at 46, I feel like my brain is functioning at its best level ever! My relationships have improved! I have the best time with my wife and 4 children in the 24 years of marriage! It is almost unbelievable! I will get back to the reason for this drastic improvement. My one daughter (16) is also bipolar and has been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. After my success with the Keto diet, we came across some suggestions that the Keto diet may help her as well. It took some time to convince her, but she also went on the Keto diet. It took three weeks for her mood to stabilize and the pain and disfunction that she experienced due to the fibromyalgia reduced by about 85%. She still struggles with it every now and then, but her mood is stable. She has not experienced any manic or depressive symptoms for 6 months. My other daughter (14) also struggles with depression. She really fought against it, but we got her onto the Keto diet. It took a couple of weeks for her mood to stabilize. She recently had a "blowup", but we then realized that she forgot to take het medication for 3 days! Her mood is now back to normal and she is highly functional. After the massive impact that the diet had on us we talked to the doctor who suggested it. He was amazed at the impact that it had on our bipolar and cognitive functions. He mentioned that the Keto diet was originally developed for people with cognitive problems such as epilepsy and bipolar disorder and that the diet really worked for them. However, they started to loose weight and then other people saw it and started to use the diet to loose weight as well. All of us are still taking medication and I am not sure whether I am willing to try to go off my medication due to the risk that it poses. What I do know is that I will never go back on carbs and definitely not on sugar. I made a lifestyle change and the personal and professional benefit it had is so extreme that I will never be willing to move away from what I have now. Thank you for telling people about the Keto lifestyle and the importance of healthy living. Thank you for playing this incredibly important supporting and educating role towards the medical industry, while still bringing people back to the simplicity of thinking what we are eating. Regards Francois

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