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Randy Nunez's Story

Images Story

By: Randy Nunez

Sometime during the past eight years Randy Nunez began to lose control over his weight. He had been an avid basketball player, but playing inconsistently got the best of him. Then a friend of his introduced Nunez to the keto diet.

As he was doing his research on keto, Nunez came across Dr. Berg’s wide variety of videos on the topic. From them he learned what vitamins and minerals his body needed, how the human digestive system works, how different eating patterns affect the body—and the unfortunate truth that neither conventional medicine nor the food industry teaches this information.

“The food and pharmaceutical industry don’t want people to learn how to address health problems,” says Nunez. “They just want to make more money by relieving the symptoms, not preventing the causes.”

Choosing the keto lifestyle as his route to improvement, he immediately started seeing progress that encouraged him to stay with it. He’s excited that his memory is clearer, he no longer has food cravings, and he feels much more energized.

But no one’s perfect. Despite such great results, Nunez admits he did “cheat” throughout the process. He wishes he hadn’t, but even cheating hasn’t prevented his health from drastically improving—now that he’s aware of what carbs really do and the truth about Fat Storing Hormone resistance. Those are two of Dr. Berg’s tips that really resonated with Nunez.

“The hardest part was adapting to keto and handling those plateau moments,” he said. “Sometimes you feel you’re stuck.”

Nunez urges others to give keto a try and be open to learning about nutrition. “Don’t believe all the lies out there,” he says, with a wink.

Favorite Way to Exercise: Basketball and running

Favorite Keto Recipe: “I usually eat a lot of spinach with chicken breast, bacon and eggs,” says Nunez.

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