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PTC in thyroid + metastatis


By: Assaf Vilmovski

Hello sir, Fascinating content! I am PTC diagnosed, yet did the surgery, trying to fight it with a combination of THC / CBD, Fasting (like two-three days out of one week. I am already seeing how Fasting affects my mind and body. I have lost 10kg, I do not have cravings, except after a big fast, and I'm trying to keep myself active. So I am becoming very lean. My purpose is to feed only from raw and natural resources.

I have recommended a friend having diabetes T2, hoping he would listen to you, cause it all makes perfect sense to me. I hope I will be able to kill the carcinoma before it spreads any further than the two infected lymph nodes they recognized. Would you recommend surgery over an extreme fasting diet to kill PTC?, Or, what can I do more, to help inhibition of the tumor. That would be great to know, thyroid specific. HAPPY NEW YEAR AND Merry Christmas to you sir and your family. Waiting for more excellent content. Cheers

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