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Prolonged water-fast healed my eczema

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By: Maria Lindell

After been following Dr. Eric Berg for many months I realized that I could try the 72 hour fasting for my inflamed, itchy, dry and flaky skin, which according to two skin doctors and one ordinary doctor is eczema of some type. I have tried all of my doctors prescribed ointments. I even went to a recommended homeopath for some remedies and been following all of their prescriptions completely. But there was no change in my condition. In fact I had periods when my skin condition was so debilitating that I woke up every hour during the nights for several 2-week periods this past year. And there were other periods on days when I couldn't even do the dishes or study due to the bad itching. I'm never a person who becomes irritated, always calm. But on those extra itchy day I really was irritated and asked my family members to wait with conversations until the itching got better. It usually took several days or weeks with anti-inflamatory foods to improve my condition a little. Besides the debilitating thing it's also very esthetically awful. And I can't even wear foundation to cover the most exposed parts in my face because it only starts itching even worse. Luckily, we had online studies due to the Covid-19 situation and I could mostly choose to turn off my camera. Because the outbreaks were on my eye lids, my chheks and chins, around my nasal area, and my lips. So basically on 60-70% of my facial area. And it has spread from below my armpits to all of my shoulder areas, down to through my arms to the back of my hands, and in towards my chest, as well as some smaller spots on my belly and back. I've also got a 1,5 decimeter long area on my leg that itches badly and is very dry. In periods my skin condition has become worse each month since I got it in late December 2019. But thanks to Dr. Eric Berg's detailed and easy-to-do videos on prolonged fasting and intermittent fasting in combination with eating a anti-inflamatory diet during the worst outbreaks I've been managing to keep the itching and outbreaks down to a almost non-visible level for a few weeks before it comes back and I'll need to do another prolonged fasting followed by intermittent fasting with a strict diet of anti-inflamatory foods only for a week or two. Then I will go back to introducing certain not much processed foods for a few weeks or until my skin condition won't allow it no more. I'm so happy that I've found Dr. Eric Berg online! And your easy-to follow guide lines for how to practically do the fasting has been a life changer for me!

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