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Never Stop Learning and assume they taught me all I need to know years ago


By: Mary Karen Tipton

I am a 70-year-old and have been a nurse for 40 years. Of course, I believed in the food pyramid because that is what I was taught in college 40 years ago. As I aged, I saw my body become fatter and fatter but assumed this was a natural occurrence since I saw my mother and grandmother experienced the same. My mother died at 69 years old. To our knowledge, she had high blood pressure but no other chronic illness. Suddenly, one morning, she felt ill and had not produced any urine. She was found to have plaque blocking the artery to her kidneys and was placed on dialysis. The physician planned to schedule her for a bypass to attempt to save one kidney.

However, before surgery, she began having chest pain and was found to also have blockages to her heart and was quickly transferred to Hopkins where she underwent open-heart surgery but she had a massive stroke one-day post-op and never woke up. I had heard of the keto diet years ago but eating fat made no sense to me so I neglected to research it. But since I was now up to 200 lbs at 5 foot 6 inches and noticed I was feeling unwell in many ways. I had no energy, I became short of breath just walking up a flight of stairs and could no longer even tolerate walking around the block.

I had recently been put on blood pressure meds so I decided to research keto. I watched the professionals on YouTube and took notes like I had when I attended the University of (Maryland) School of Nursing. I did not want a diet. I wanted a lifestyle change but I had to understand why this was an appropriate change for my body so for two months I learned everything I could from reputable physicians. It made complete sense once I understood why it works from the cellular level up and why the government has not told us anything about it.

I have been on clean keto for 3 months and have lost 25 lbs and my waistline has returned. I do intermittent fasting and I have completely lost all my cravings for high carb and sugar-filled foods and drinks which is amazing to me because I loved my sodas and tasty cakes. I now am off blood pressure meds, I am filled with energy and enjoying my life as I did many years ago. I’m still learning because knowledge gives the power back to us to make our own choices instead of assuming we are being told the truth. Tonight, I learned how to make the world's best bread and I plan to try it out tomorrow.

That is the best thing about keto, we do not have to suffer at all. I learned the importance of sleep and decreasing stress so I finally retired last week and enjoy going down the sliding board with my great-granddaughter and just having a new outlook on life. Thank You Dr. Berg!

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