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My Story learning to live my best life and over coming my health issues


By: Annamay Beekman

10 yrs. ago I wasn't feeling good. I always thought I took good care of myself........I went to see 2 different Drs They said I had a sliding hiatal hernia, and gerd. They had me take 20 mg. of Omeprazole 2xs a day. I did this and it helped my acid reflux but I wasnt feeling better I was getting worse. I went through a lot of tests but they weren't finding anything else wrong with me...  I listen to my body very carefully. I had no energy,  it hurt to eat, I was sick to my stomach when I did eat and it felt like there was a bowling ball in my stomach. i was constipated and getting worse every day. I decided I wanted to go see a specialist out of Stanford. I felt like the Drs I saw didn't have the technology to find out what is wrong with me. I went to my Dr. from Stanford. I really love him he is very knowledgeable and very compassionate. He ran more tests.. They were tough tests I was willing to go through with them so I could get better. My Dr. found out Yes I have the sliding Hiatal Hernia but also my esophogus does not work also my stomach does not work its called Gastroparisis. I ony have about 4 nerves in my stomach that do work. Also my intestines do not work.... At one point my Dr. was thinking of surgery to place a pump in my stomach like a pace maker. But he decided to try some other things first. He ran another test for my GERD and said I must stay on the Omeprazole the rest of my life as it was so bad it could cause Cancer.......He told me we could try a procedure where he would go into my stomach through my mouth and throat and inject a certian kind of botox in several places keeping my stomach open so food could pass through. He did that procedure and it really helped me for quite a while. I went back to see him and I told him I was trying diffrent things some which helped. He was planning on doing another botox procedure on me. it was a 5 hr. drive one way to get home. My Dr. said I was doing really well and to keep trying diffrent things to find out what works for me. I went home.... The ,next night I was feeling really bad and went to the ER. I had a severe case of the Shingles which I didnt know I had because it was at the bottom of my lower back. And I also had a real bad case of Cellulitus in my face. I was very sick and home and off work for 3 months. A friend talked me into moving another 5 hrs. down the state to. be closer to family. because of my health.... I did move but now was too far away to see my Dr.. He said to keep trying diffrent things and we could talk by phone or e mail if necesasay. I said OK I started a new job down here working 14 hrs. a night. 7 nights a week and holidays. I continued to feel worse and worse. I went to a Dr. he did bood work and found I was extremely Vitamin D deficent, and pre diabetic. I needed to see a Kidney Dr. I did see the Kidney Dr. He ran some more tests and said I had the start of fatty liver disease..... I desperately wanted my health back..... I started taking Vitamin D every day and my energy started coming Back....I watchedcDr. Bergs videos. I wanted to loose weight and reverse my pre diabetes. I strictly started the Keto diet and intermittent fasting. I started feeling better day by day. I have always taken supplements. My Shingles are so bad they will always be present laying just below the surface and anytime I get stressed they pop up and are active. Thr Dr. put me on 1 perscription of Oxy. no more... ... I was in alot of pain I did alot of researching and decided to add Tumeric to my daily supplements for pain and reducing inflamation. It works Thank God...I used to be a Pharmaceutical Drug Rep. I dont like taking druga unless absolutely necessary. I have been watching Dr. BERGS VIDEOS all along along with Dr. Steven Gundrys videos and Thomas De Lauers videos on Keto and Intermittent fasting. It is now 1 1/2 yrs. of Keto, intermittent fasting and I KEEP ADDING to my daily supplements. Today I added MCT OIL.... I AM TRYING to make myself as healthy as I can be and extend my life and my quality of life. I am a young 66 yr. old. A little more than 1 1/12 yrs. ago when I learned I was pre diabetic the Kidney Dr. told me my kidneys were not so healthy... I do not want diabetes or kidney diyalisis. I used to work for a diyalisis Co.. i want to prevent kidney proplems.... I believe PPI'S CAUSE kidney problems and Cancer. I desperately wanted off my Omeprazole for good. One of Fr. Bergs videos was on Gerd and acid reflux.I watched the video. I learned the PPIs make your stomach alkaline and thats bad you need stomach acid to help digest your food and to change your stomach from alkaline to acid... This is the first I ever heard of this.I was alittle scared as I have Big Health issues. So I went to my Health Food store and bought Betaine ( Stomach Acid).. I thought I would try it... I have nothing to loose.. I have always felt I always want to fix health issues and not just place a bandage on things. I stopped my PPIs and added Betaine 3 xs a day along with all my other supplements. at first I still had some acid reflux but my case is very severe... I kept it up every day and the reflux got a little better every day. I am so glad for all I learn everyday from Dr. Berg I feel we all must be pro active knowing and listening about our own bodies. to live the best quality of life. I have only had 4 dinners in 1 1/2 yrs. that are not Keto for celebration meals... What I learned from that is that I dont need those foods that are not Keto and my body is very sensative. And that my body dosent feel good off of Keto.... I have made the choice to remain on Keto and Intermittent fasting, and all my supplements as I now feel the best I have in yrs. I feelb20 yrs. younger. I have now incorporated Longevity into thevway I choose to live and I want the best quality of life for the rest of my life... I'm researching and watching videos and adding what I need to do to hopefully live over 100. I am part Sardinian and I am learning alot about THE BLUE ZONES AND LONGEVITY. THANK YOU DR. BERG FOR YOUR COMPASSION AND WISDOM. I WILL ALWAYS LEARN FROM YOU... P. S. I am a Chef I love food. its not fair I have what I have but its what I have and I choose to make Lemonade out of Lemons... Life is what you choose to make it.... I choose to call this my Life Adventure andvI choose to make the Best of it and be the Very Best Me I can be. God Bless you Dr. Berg

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