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Enrico|My Story

Images Story

By: Enrico

I have always been a big guy, 192 cm tall, former rugby player. When I stopped doing sports, my weight started to grow dramatically, never enjoyed junk food, I simply ate too much and too often, sometimes even just because was bored. Food has always been celebrated in my family, my parents are both overweight, my dad has also had stomach surgery coz he was diabetic and heavily obese. Long story short, in the summer of 2018 I reached 137,4 kg (still ashamed I could let me self down so much), so I decided it was time for a change and to get healthy and responsible again (at rest my heart rate was 90 beats per minute) especially because my wife and my dream was happening, we were finally going to have a baby. At that time I had the motivation but not the knowledge, I started a diet with shakes and pills, results were initially good but I was always hungry but I didn't want to quit. Few friends of mine suggested me to try I.F. and I thought it could work, as I always lost a good amount of weight during each Ramadan. But I wanted to get more information, so I started searching and that's when I found out about nutrition experts such Dr Berg and others and BOOM! I started effortlessly losing weight (16/8 at the beginning); in 5,5 months I was already at -40 kg, way over my expectations coz my goal was -30 (at that time I was doing Paleo without even knowing it). In the meantime I quit the gym as our daughter was born and I hit plateau. So I decided to study again and change I.F. protocol (from 16/8 to warrior diet and omad/2mad) and start keto instead of low carb and BOOM! Weight loss again. In June 2019 I reached my ideal weight (92,4 kgs, exactly 45 kg less than my initial weight (in 9 months) and in May 2020 I arrived at -50; but weight loss was not the only improvement ... I don't snore anymore, my blood pressure and heart rate are fine, my jeans were size 42 and now 32, my t-shirts XXXL and now XL, I FEEL FREAKING GREAT! NEVER FELT BETTER. Some people don't even recognize me at 1st or say "I recognize you only from your voice, you look 10 years younger", well folks, that makes you feel good. What did I learn fr this? it's pretty obvious, but knowledge+motivation is the best recipe for success!

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Life in Sardinia

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