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My life changing experience with Dr Berg


By: Renu Anand

This all started from my childhood. I was very obese from the very beginning and food is my only habit and my passion was to cook and eat. This made me too heavy that I was called pahalvan ji during my school and college life.

But I did not change my habits not even trying then I kept on increasing my weight with the passage of time, it reached from 60 to 90 kg. And then one day, it was 91 and that day at the age of 50, I was scared that within next few months I will be 100 kg!!!! So I went to a dietician who gave me a diet chart, which was too boring to follow and I could not follow for a longer time. Even before that, I tried all possible ways and lost too but my habits could not be changed.

With every passing day, my habits kept on getting from bad to worst so one day after so many failures. I saw some weight loss groups on Facebook, I joined a few of them but I could not understand much and one fine day I joined Dr. Berg's group and started watching people fatter than me but later so thin l cannot even recognize them. That motivated me, then I started reading all the comments of the people and kept on reading and slowly.

I started seeing videos of Dr. Berg, they were so motivating and knowledge-giving that I kept on watching them, and with the passage of time, I got to know the basic reasons why I was fat and lost and gained so many times. In the beginning, it was very difficult for me to follow the fat diet and no-carb but slowly all the videos I kept watching, they kept motivating me giving me more and more knowledge, and finally, I was convinced that carb is rather doing harm instead of giving me energy.

So finally, I followed a strict region following Dr. Berg despite I am a vegetarian, I took only eggs and other diet like green vegetables and coconut oil, olive oil. I started losing weight for the very first time at such a speed I could not believe myself and within 2 months, I lost more than 10 pounds that was so motivating that my sister also who is also obese started following the same diet.

I was using and now it's me who is doing advertisements about Dr. Berg's keto diet. In India, most people are not accepting it here, thank you so much Dr. Berg for making me feel good after years and years of inferiority complex of being a bigger size among all my friends, in fact, everyone around me.

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