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My journey to recover from sinus, depression, tinnitus and gastritis


By: Bernard Ssozi

I will start by thanking Dr. Berg for the life-saving youtube videos. It was in February 2020 when I suddenly felt like I was passing away while driving. That is when it all began. I started having severe heartburn including severe burning of my stomach, severe brain fog, high blood pressure, severe tinnitus, severe fatigue, not to mention a few, and not to leave out my past history of sinus pressure and congestion that I had lasted over 13 years.

I was taking sinus medication for the past couple of years prescribed by the ENT because of the sinus infections. I also had a terrible boss in 2016 I think that caused my depression. When I developed this life-threatening condition I went to several specialized Doctors who recommended tests but all the tests came out negative eg eco for the heart, including a kidneys function test, a CT scan, and a sugar test. I felt like doctors had failed to find what was troubling my health for the first time.

I started searching the Internet and that is when I finally found Dr. Berg's videos on nutrition. I started the keto and interment fasting including exercises each morning for 45 minutes daily, basically cardio. This has contributed positively to my recovery without a regimen of prescribed medication that has side effects.

Besides, on days when my condition was severe, the ENT had prescription clonazepam but I switched to melatonin and my sleep was great. For now, the tinnitus is almost gone. It's only heard very late at night when everything is quiet. The BP is normal. Brian fog is no more. I no longer have issues with Sinuses.

Interestingly, covid is out of my mind and I don't regard it as a threat to my health anymore. What is bothering me is the saddening light stomach discomfort but I am not worried that much. Mastic gum and zinc L-Carnosine is helping. With my diet, I was missing wheat flour but I found a great replacement (buckwheat). I sincerely once again thank Dr. Berg for the priceless help he has offered the world now that I am in Kampala, Uganda, East Africa and I can always get the life-saving videos of Dr. Berg on youtube.


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