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Taylor Vogel Shares Amazing Results - Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto

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By: Taylor Vogel

My friend one day started talking to me about the Marine Corps and how great it was. I was like, well that sound great but i'm really overweight for that. I was 280 pounds at the time and could hardly run a mile. So i told him that I would try it out and see how it worked out for me. After I talked to a recruiter, he told me that i would have to lose 80 pounds to enlist and stay under 200 to go to bootcamp. Lets just say that I weight 190 pounds now and it's all due to Dr.Berg. I watched most of his videos on youtube and took all the knowledge I could from them. The main thing i did with my diet was cut out the sugar, increased my fat intake and eat a lot of kale and drank a lot of vinegar. Thanks to you Dr.Berg, i'm going to be shipping out to Paris Island September 18, and I am forever grateful for what you done in my life. Thank you for everything you have done for me and other's.

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