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My energy levels are extremely high with a lot of clarity when thinking!

Images Story

By: Johnny B.

Good Afternoon Dr. Berg, My name is Johnny B.from Fontana California and I wanted to share my success story with you. As a kid I struggled with obesity and nutrition since I never really learned the right way to eat for weight loss and followed typical conventional ways of eating such as smaller portions etc. I ended up losing weight and kept a regular workout schedule BUT I always plateaued! Last year I decided to get a personal trainer and he advised I go on the 75 meal a day plan with a gallon of water, it was actually 4-6 meals a day which consisted of protein carbs and veggies and a gallon of water a day. I ended up getting pretty good results externally but internally I was feeling HEAVY ALL THE TIME AND I WAS SWEATING CONSTANTLY it got to the point that I would wake up drenched in sweat! Early this year I was referred to your videos by one of my friends and everything you would say was REAL, it made sense to me it was backed up by FACTS not opinions of what THEY said. I started with the KETO diet and I must say I have gotten really good results my strength is the same and greater when I lift weights while fasting and my energy levels are extremely high with a lot of clarity when thinking! and I only eat 1-2 times a day, I don't eat carbs such as rice or bread and instead go for natural organic salads which actually take away my cravings throughout the day. I attached the transformation pictures to this email so you can see. I just want to say thank you so much for sharing your knowledge to us and thank you for being REAL in your teachings, the world needs more people like you! Thank you Dr. Berg! Johnny Belisle

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