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My doctor was dumb founded


By: Sheryl Cole

I'm a 57 years old woman that has been diabetic for 27 years, type 2. I've been watching Dr. Berg's videos for 5 months, they were very informative. So after my doctors appointment in February with a A1C of 13, I said to myself i'm going to try Dr. Bergs recommendations. I started clean Keto and IF and watched my A1C come down to 5.4, at my doctors appointment this time my doctor said to me "how did you do it? I've never seen anyone do that." I told him and he said you need to tell my other patients. I told him no. He should be telling them. I'm so happy with my new life and now I'm working on fixing all the other stuff that Dr. Berg talks about. He gave me the tools and I'm putting them in my box. Thank you Dr. Berg.

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