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Musclo skeletal pain



For years, I have been suffering from back pains. In 2017, I had an xlif at L2/L3 that is a new disc and fusion. In 2019 I had C5 - C6 and C6-C7 replaced and fused. For years I had neuralgia in my hands and arms. Lately, my neck pain has come back over the winter. I came across Dr. Berg's website and have tried to take in what he recommends. I have been 130kg but today I am 115.2 kg and planning to be around 100kg. Up until two weeks ago, I was finding it quite hard on a keto diet because I didn't get enough fiber so therefore had porridge with almond milk and blueberries or raspberries. Little did I know that after being on keto for a while as soon as one eats carbohydrates it is not used up as energy but converted into fat. I also had problems holding water. Now, I do 18hrs intermittent fasting and strict keto, and every Fri night at 6 pm I fast for 36hrs. That is until 6 am Sun morning. If I am not hungry I delay it for another 4 hrs. When I don't eat my inflammation subsides, and also headache has gone. I need further surgery on my lower back due to retrolisthesis and bulging disc but being less weight I am able to look forward to the future thanks to Dr. Berg's videos.

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