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Mohammad Obeidat's Story

Images Story

By: Mohammad Obeidat

Dr. Berg’s advice about keto and intermittent fasting has reached all the way to Jordan, where Mohammad Obeidat learned a lot after a suggestion led him to Dr. Berg’s YouTube channel. Obeidat weighed 364 pounds (165 kg) when he saw his first Dr. Berg video and that’s when he decided to change.

“One video led to another until I saw myself in a war with all the wrong information and false research that I [thought I knew],” he said.

Obeidat had many realizations from Dr. Berg’s information, including the need to think for yourself and not believe everything you hear, the reality that the food industry doesn’t seem to care about health, and the understanding that fat and cholesterol are not bad.

“The world doesn’t know that there is something wrong with the food industry and it is actually not our fault [that we’re fat],” he said. “[Sugar] damaged about 15 years of my life.”

Keto and IF led to his losing 176 pounds (80 kg), which put him near his target body weight. He said it’s the best thing he’s ever done.

“The results came very quickly when I started losing weight but the major motivation was how healthy I felt,” said Obeidat. “My focus, sleep, and cognitive functions [improved]. It was an amazing experience to see my body shifting, especially when I combined keto and IF.

“Now I am alive!” he said. “Dr. Berg is my hero. Thank you so much for spreading the truth.”

Favorite Way to Exercise: Long walks and swimming

Favorite keto Recipe: Peanut butter cupcakes

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