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Migraine Free


By: Frances Lawrence

Hi, My name is Frances Lawrence. I am 65 years old and live in the Hudson Valley in NY state. Back in 2020, right before the pandemic hit, a friend of mine was mentioning that she started the Keto diet (she has been a lifelong dieter) and was excited she was finally losing weight. She told me briefly about it.

I started watching Dr. Berg’s videos and was fascinated. Being a lifetime migraineur, I was always searching for new treatments, research, etc. I typed in Dr. Berg's migraines hoping that there was a video on it. To my surprise there was. I had known for years about epilepsy and a high-fat diet, but I could never really find any information on migraines and a high-fat diet. I have had migraines for over 50 years and have tried pretty much all the medications my neurologists would suggest. I have always been a believer in alternative medicine so I’ve tried acupuncture, massage, chiropractic. I’ve also tried Botox, nerve blocks, and even radiofrequency ablation in my cervical spine. I’ve also tried eliminating dairy, gluten, etc. Most alternatives worked at the beginning, then gradually ceased to work. The only medication that did work was Imitrex. So, after reading and listening to Dr. Berg’s information I started Keto. I guess I should mention, I’ve never had a weight problem and have been thin my whole life. I was purely interested in Keto to relieve the migraines.

So I started Keto in April 2020. It was easy to adapt since my husband and I have always been health conscious and don’t eat anything processed and eat mainly organic nutrient-dense foods. I went into ketosis fairly quickly and I lost weight in the process. I started with three meals a day and eventually down to two and now do OMAD every other day. I noticed maybe after a year, the migraines were lessening, in frequency and duration. Whereas I would typically get over 15 a month, I was now down to about 8 a month. I felt better. I wouldn’t wake up headachy every day. I noticed my brain fog was gone. I felt good! So I continued.

As of today, October 2021, my last migraine was in August 2021. I have lost 22 pounds. I weigh 123 lbs. Since I love fasting and honestly feel the best when I do, I’ve needed to add another half meal to my OMAD, because I’m continuing to lose weight. I’m hopeful that this will continue and I’ll have many more migraine-free days. I make sure I take my supplements (vitamins, green juice powder, electrolyte powder, and amino acids) daily. Thank you, Dr. Berg, from the bottom of my heart for sharing your knowledge and wisdom for all of us.


Fran Lawrence

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