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Michael Alder's Story

Images Story

By: Michael Alder

At his heaviest, Michael Alder couldn’t fully participate in life. A cerebellar brain aneurysm in 2014 had affected his mobility, and subsequently his weight reached 353 pounds (160 kg). He was eating every hour and never feeling satiated. Finding Dr. Berg was a saving grace for him.

He knew he needed to lose weight. Initially, he attempted a vegan diet but the quantity of carbohydrates he was eating prevented any weight loss. Then he found Dr. Berg on YouTube and everything changed. Alder deeply resonated with the idea of getting healthy first, trusting that the weight loss would follow.

By then he was suffering from sleep apnea and heart failure, but Dr. Berg’s tips helped him through. From them he learned about Fat Storing Hormone and hidden carbs. He benefited from Dr. Berg’s Superfood Raw Wheat Grass Juice Powder and Sleep Aid. Dr. Berg was Alder’s main support system.

The frequency of Dr. Berg’s videos was a real help to Alder, who began to feel like it was a personal conversation. “I would select the [videos] that apply to me,” he said. “When I watched, I understood why I was plateauing and not seeing immediate results.”

Now, Alder feels like his 20-year-old self. “Before, I was unhappy and my moods used to fluctuate dramatically,” he said. “I don’t have hunger pains like I used to and can go three days without eating.” This was a major shock for someone who’s never done intermittent fasting—but seeing the benefits was all the proof he needed. Just as Dr. Berg promised, by focusing on improving his health Alder has done the groundwork and the weight loss has followed.

Overall, Alder has lost 163 pounds (74 kg) by committing himself to keto. His advice to others who are thinking about keto: “Start with Dr. Berg and you will get results.”

Favorite Way to Exercise: Alder walks his dog for 40 minutes a day and takes a 20-minute bike ride every other day.

Favorite Keto Recipe: “I don’t mind having the same thing every day,” Alder says, and here’s his Number 1 choice: One pork chop, seven cups of green leafy salad with nutritional yeast, half an avocado, and some pecans or macadamia nuts.

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