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Love yourself enough to get healthy


By: Shari Milligan

In January of 2020, I completely cleaned out our cupboards and fridge of anything that didn’t fit a low-carb lifestyle and we gave all of it away. Before this, my husband and I were feeling like we were getting larger and more unhealthy by the day so we knew we had to do something. Going “keto” is the best decision we’ve ever made for our health.

Over approximately a year, I lost about 80 lbs. I started around 225 lbs and now go between 140-150. My husband doesn’t weigh himself but I know he’s likely lost more than I. We didn’t do any exercise at all. We’ve had such great fun with recipes and cooking. The answer is just eating REAL food. It’s actually so simple once it clicks. I just wish I did it decades earlier. The main things I tell people:

-Take it one day at a time

-Promise yourself you will not give up if you have an “off” day

- Your mind, at first, will try to tell you that you can’t possibly live without carbs and treats, but you CAN—there are so many delicious alternatives that you will be amazed and will not feel like you’re doing without Just do it…for yourself and for your loved ones… the best gift you can give is a healthier you! Shari XO

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