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By: Tracey

Hi Dr. Berg, I stumbled upon your videos a while back but really wasn't ready to deal with my health, my stress levels were very high due to my new career as a realtor. Now that I'm settling in and also due to watching my mother, who was a realtor, decline in health and now is awaiting assisted living, I see myself heading in the same direction. So I watched one of your videos on fasting. I started fasting and I cut many things out of my diet. I lost 15 pounds but have been fluctuating between 10-15 lbs since I started which was very frustrating. But, my doctor, who is fantastic, did a lot of blood work to see what my body is doing on the inside. I didn't see results on the outside but wow, I was amazed at how my internal organs are doing. I lowered my blood pressure, I improved my hypothyroid function, I lowered by bad fats, my kidneys are functioning normally, and my liver has improved in function. With this news, I now understand that the work is on the inside and it won't be long before I see a change on the outside. One step at a time...also, I now watch your videos and I appreciate that you are genuinely concerned for others health. You remind me of my doctor, he always encourages a change to my diet and exercise before pills unless it's necessary. I'm slowly getting it, I just wish it was a lot sooner because I have done a lot of damage and I hope that I can repair the damage. One thing I do want to know is, what is the best diet for not having a gallbladder. I have had mine removed. Regards, Tracey

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