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Life Saver Knowledge for Stroke Survivors


By: Regina Griffin

I wished the medical doctors in the hospital would know this. One week ago, I had a mini stroke. I thought this would never happen to me because my diet was decently healthy most of the time. But 2 of my arteries were narrow enough to cause problems. Now, this may have been truly caused by stress, as my doctors told me. My BP used to be in the 110s over 70 something. Now it was in the 180s. However, as my stress increased (took care of a severe stroke survivor) my healthy eating habits went down. Chocolates, cookies, and restaurant food took the front seat for a few months. My own stroke left me with minor vision damage. But this was enough to ring my bell and get back on the healthy habit wagon. After diligent research, I came across your videos about the potassium/sodium balance and the truth about cholesterol. Even though I knew most of this already from whenever it had taken the back seat in my mind. Now, it is back at the front seat and I make sure I am following your advice. My vision problem has improved to the point of nonexistence in just a few days. P.S. The hospital put me on Lipitor and HBP meds immediately. I refused all the others. Upon mentioning my doubts about Lipitor they told me it was necessary because my cholesterol was 200. I am sure this is not dangerous by itself. When I asked the professionals in the hospital what the percentage of the A and B Triglycerides were, they had no clue what I was talking about. They wouldn't even offer a CoQ10 supplement to offset the damage from Lipitor. Long story short, don't rely on your medical doctor. Seek additional advice from dedicated and knowledgable Alternative Medicine and Chiropractor Doctors, like Dr. Berg. I must say that you have more knowledge than many of the MDs in the hospital. Thank you for making your knowledge available and understandable to the average person. And thank you for your persistence. Together with Doctor Mercola, who's newsletter I have been receiving since 1997, you are my 2 favorite doctors I look up for advice. I have been reading countless articles and watched over a hundred lectures, interviews and documentaries about health and nutrition for the past 25 years, made available by Dr. Mercola and you. Thank you so much again. You are the true heroes who save people's life. P.S.S. Your numerical age and your biological age are so far apart that it shocks a lot of people. You are living proof of what you are doing works, and I want what you have. So, yeah, preach to me. I am listening. :-) P.S.S.S. You have my permission to use my letter any way you want to, if you like.

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