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Let Food Be Thy Medicine!

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By: Kanav gupta

My brother Hemant Gupta justifies the title on the level which no one on earth can. With his left brain dead from childhood and his right side of the body paralyzed, it was very difficult for him to live the quality of life that we all dream of. Then last year, he went on a fat and protein diet with an initial weight of 129 kgs. My goal was only to reduce his fat quantity but this is what right nutrition did to him. It gave him a new life, a life where he can enjoy all those things again without taking care of any diseases. With a better immune system, best gut health, better hormonal balance, increased cognitive ability, better digestion, and most importantly increased happiness level, he just proved to me what right nutrition is (currently weighs 78 kgs) despite all the misconceptions there are in society and the medical community. His right side is now moving and his physical activity has increased to the level that he plays sports with us. Along with it, the cognitive ability that he has achieved only through diet is like pressing that reset button again. ❤ I have tried almost every diet in the world. Every diet work if your goal is just to lose weight but only one diet that is right nutrition (fatty protein) works if your goal is to improve the quality of life along with all the other benefits you get as a complimentary prize. No other diet gave my brother the happiness of being healthy and calm which the right nutrition has given. Thank you Dr. Eric Berg for teaching me the correct science. Isn't that the purpose of science? To make our lives better and thus giving us the life we deserve. I always say, right nutrition is not about losing fat or gaining weight but keeping your mind, body and soul in harmony.

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