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Keto took me out of diabetes

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By: Jose Gonzalez

At 45 years old, I discovered after a great anger attack, I had 480 glucose levels but that was just the beginning of taking meds and insulin shots 30 units. Next antidepressants, metformin and antiacids (doctors prescriptions). In February last year in the pandemic, the Mexican government ordered closing down all businesses, I was normally on carbs (not direct sugar intake which I had avoided) but levels were like 180 in glucose, then that day after government announced closing, my sugar went in minutes to 280. Stressed situation took me to realize health status (bad). Siri had listened to me and showed me a video while on the internet about Dr. Berg making diabetic type 2 reversible!! I said no matter what this is I will dig (this virus would kill diabetic and hypertension people) So I fully trusted Dr. Berg's info and went deep. Changes and adjustments one after another but always healthy keto (got the mini-course). Now for short story, I have no meds, fasting sugar of 70-80-90 depending on several issues, I can control now with Dr Berg help. Sugar is not a problem, Protein C Reac went from .8 to .1, LDL moves around 280-210 every blood work (6 months), triglycerides from 600 with statins to 100-80 with no statins. Overalls are just great, last labs were LPa, cortisol, thyroid (which now are inside acceptable levels) TSH went in a 3 month period from 5.99 to 4,60, no T4 (levothiroxine). Now I feel like optimizing every day and enjoy how Dr. Berg makes me feel more and more comfortable after being in a sea of wrong pathways to real natural health. Now using from 18months ago only Nutritional Yeast from Dr. Berg. Thanks a lot!!! More info I have but that's good enough. See you!

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