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Keto stopped heart arrhythmia


By: Martin Alderete

According to my Stupid Simple Keto app, it's been 1623 days ( 4.4 years ) since my arrhythmia, or PVC had completely stopped and I threw away my beta-blockers, (metoprolol) I'd been seeing a cardiologist for 2 years prior taking tests and him upping my dosages. We were getting to the point of going into the heart to cauterize the area of the heart inside with the hopes of stopping the PVC when I happened to find Dr. Berg's YouTube channel talking about apple cider vinegar. Of course, among all his many videos was this thing called the keto diet which he did associate with cardiac issues.

Subsequently, I learned about metabolic disease caused by the SAD diet which absolutely fit the description! So, without hesitation, I applied the principles of keto, stopped sugar and carbs, ate nothing but beef bacon, and butter, and in 1 week my arrhythmias stopped and I've been on the keto train ever since. I keep track of my macros, eat healthy whole foods, do resistance training, get plenty of sleep, and do yoga.

As a result, I've lost 20 lbs, ( I was skinny fat ), to 165 lbs, I'm 6 ft tall. I'm lean, about 12% body fat I've got more energy, and best of all my aches and pains in my joints are all but gone. I'm a 62 yo construction worker. I workout 3 times a week, play pickleball on weekends, take western swing classes and enjoy driving around with the top down with my wife anytime we get the chance. Heck, I've even named my construction company Keto Construction! Thanks for all the great info Dr. Berg. You've greatly improved the quality of my life and saved me from circling the drain prematurely.

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