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keto changed my life let it change yours!

Images Story

By: Cheri G.

I have fought with my weight all my life. Literally. I can't ever say I was small or skinny. I was always big. Biggest in my class. Biggest in my friend group. Biggest in the workplace... you get the picture. I have always struggled to lose weight. Like honest to god I've tried many diets I've lost count. Weight Watchers, Slimming World, Cambridge, Lighter Life, Rosemary Connelly... brought books, listened to Paul McKenna in the vague hope I could hypnotize myself slim. They didn't work for me as well as they did for other friends that tried them. I always wondered what I was doing wrong. I would count my points, syns, calories, etc, and stay as close to the book as possible.... inevitably, I'd gain weight. Whilst my friends would tell me how they had Mcdz and KFC and would lose weight. Don't get me wrong, the very-low-calorie diets had me losing weight... I also lost my gallbladder whilst following one. Lighter Life saw a ridiculous amount of money per week for shakes, bars that tasted like what I assume trill tastes like, and CBT. Sitting in a room with women double my age. Talking about their relationships with food. I couldn't relate. How could I? I was a fat 5-year-old, 15-year-old, 25-year old, etc. My mum would joke that I looked at food and gained weight whilst my older brother ate like it was his last meal and never put on a pound. I could go days without eating. And then raid ASDA or the local shop for goodies. All the wrong kind of things that I'd then scurry home with it and eat before my ex-husband came home, or my mum/ friends came round. I was always a huge fan of energy drinks. Redbull and guava Rockstar were my favorite. I'd buy 4-6 cans a day and drink them just before bed. About this time last year, it was my uncle's funeral. I had scoured all the usual shops to get a dress that he would have liked. I settled on one from CityChic at Evans. I ordered a size 24. when it came it did up. 10 days later I had my mum and brother's girlfriend pin me to the hire car we had as they struggled to do the zip up. I was so mortified. In September saw my GP for a routine medicine review as I was taking anti-depressants after having a nervous breakdown the year before. "Cheri, you would be the ideal candidate for bariatric surgery," he said as he scrolled through my medical history since I was 12. "I'm going to sign you up for the triage program which will set you on the road for surgery" I was signed up to see a nutritionist. I also had to have a blood test. You have pre-diabetes enzymes receptionist said when I called to get the results. You need to see Dr. Fordd. Nah your ok I'm fine I said hastily hanging up. It was a total disaster. The nutritionist didn't turn up. And when she did, she says all the same old spiel... eat 3 meals a day, drink water, 5-a-day...etc In January, I rushed to my appointment from work. Food diary in hand. Was pointless. She didn't turn up. I tried so hard that month, although my weight had stayed the same. I went home so disappointed. The next time I stepped on the scale it was March. 19st11 the scale said. I was quite pleased as id managed to lose 4 pounds over James's birthday. Then 16th March, it happened. A colleague of mine picked up one of my beloved cans of Redbull. "256 calories Cheri" I'd had 2 cans already that morning... 2 Cans that I internally equated to 2 full-size Twix packs. I sat quietly the rest of the day. Thinking I wouldn't eat 2 chocolate bars at my desk but here I was drinking the equivalent. Wondering why I was doing this to myself. The next day I went sugar-free. That was it. No fizz. No sweets. Enough was enough. I then decided after talking to my GP Aunt and looking on Pinterest that I was going to try Paleo. to only way why was above the ground. And that was how I stumbled on Keto. By sheer accident. I found my infamous red green yellow lists on dr bergs keto And if the page and suck to them. No more than 20g of carbs a day. That was it. Nothing more nothing less. His videos spurred me on and encouraged me to change my life I am now 13 stone. A weight I haven't been since I was 11. I no longer need anti-d's. I'm jogging. I'm walking everywhere. I can finally go on the trampolines at our local trampoline park coz I'm not over 17st 11 anymore. I've lost a shoe size. 3 ring sizes. My doctor wholeheartedly supports me on this saying he will recommend it to other people. I have people who are telling me I'm inspiring them. People inboxing me from Tennessee, Australia, Sweden, Alaska... People I work with... it's mind-blowing I sneaked up on my nephew on Friday night and sat next to him whilst he was watching football. He didn't clock it was me and when he did he couldn't believe how much smaller i now am. I still have a long way to go but I'm now half way down the path. Moral of this story... take the first step. It leads to the next and the next... keto changed my life let it change yours!

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