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Jay Riggleman's Story

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By: Jay Riggleman

The first Dr. Berg video that Jay Riggleman found on YouTube was about the glycemic index. He’s been hooked ever since then because Dr. Berg’s videos go into great detail to help explain things that he had never understood before. It was the start of his weight-loss journey. Since March, he has lost nearly 50 pounds.

His YouTube search was prompted by a need for change: Riggleman was tired of the way he looked and wanted to live longer for his kids. He yearned for the day when he could go shopping for clothes and pick out whatever he liked without worrying about the size.

Along with his wife, Riggleman is strictly keto now. They have made a good support team because they are able to hold each other accountable. But seeing results has also helped him to stay motivated and excited. “I feel fantastic!” he said. “After I wake up and get motivated I can run for what feels like days.”

As some others may also have experienced, Riggleman hit a rough patch when he was dealing with the fatigue of “keto flu.”  (What’s known as keto flu is not contagious or even dangerous, but it certainly isn’t pleasant. Symptoms include being overly tired and irritable, along with headaches and problems concentrating. Especially for those who start doing keto “cold turkey” keto flu could hit during the first week. If so, it rarely lasts more than a few days.)

After he moved past keto flu it was smooth sailing for Riggleman. His only wish is that he had started sooner. Today he doesn’t feel hungry all the time, as he used to. He’s delighted that smaller clothes fit him comfortably.

“I'm very thankful and happy with my progress,” he says. His advice to others: “Don’t stop, don’t give up.”

Favorite Way to Exercise: Free weights

Favorite Keto Recipe: Keto cheesecake or keto chili dogs!

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