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If you combine all these steps you will succeed and that’s what I have been doing since 6th of July 2018

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By: Monika B.

My name is Monika I am 45 years old, originally from Hungary but living in U.K. since 2005 and loving it! I am really privileged to be able to share my story and my journey to healthier/happier life. 

I have always battled with weight and it was always going up and down, I was one of the emotional eaters.... I tried vegan, vegetarian, Atkins, paleo, starving, Bootcamp, juicing, water fasting etc..you can name it all under the sky. I was on a lot of medications in the past 15 years due to autoimmune diseases (hypothyroidism and Hashimoto), which didn’t help either in terms of letting go of excess fat, but I am happy to say that by now I am off all the medications since March 2018 and I only use natural sources such as vitamins, minerals or herbs. 

As Dr.Berg said once; “you have to be healthy to be fit not another way around” works! 

When I reached out to Dr. Eric Berg everything changed. Beforehand I was introduced to Dr. Imran and Kangen Water which plays a huge part in my diet. As you know, our body is 75% water and we need to look after it by providing the possibly best solution. 

I’ve been drinking Kangen water from Enagic for 9 months when I stopped taking medications, very carefully monitored by my doctor through blood tests and 3 months later, in June 2018, when I felt much better, I reached out to Dr. Berg. 

I’ve changed the following:

1. What I eat - clean food, keto combined with IF 

2. What I drink - water, Kangen and herb teas 

3. What I think - mindset: “how” and “why”.

4. What I do - exercise, swimming and walking. 

If you combine all these steps you will succeed and that’s what I have been doing since 6th of July 2018. I have also recorded my food diary on my Facebook page, also on Instagram, please feel free to check out on insta under @fat_loss_provocateur and reach out if you would like to chat a little bit about my journey, experience, and when you feel like you need encouragement, inspiration or motivation. 

I’m here to help because Dr.Berg has saved my life. Now, it’s time to give back to those are in need. I am happy to support anyone who’s going through this process and share tips and recipes. 

God bless you all! 

Yours sincerely, 

Monika, the “fat loss provocateur"

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