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I weigh 178 lbs currently. My goal weight is 140 lbs so the weight loss journey continues.

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By: Katey S.

Long post Alert!!! MARCH 18th meets OCT 18th. In 2014 I was a victim of Menengaitis T.B It was so serious that I even had a Stroke on my right side and spent several weeks in ICU. For several months I moved using a wheelchair and crutches. I got worse on some steroid meds and would eat all the wrong foods because of my appetite. So when I finally got to my feet again I had incredibly gained weight and enrolled at a gym, but my diet involved eating a lot of carbs, yo-yo dieting, and slimming pills which I'd lose only to bounce back much heavier. In late 2016 I got pregnant and would eat a lot of junk food and carbs. I got to 240 lbs gave birth by undergoing emergency C.S due to a pre-eclampsia medical condition. Doctors kept telling me I should lose weight and that's the cause of my constant high blood pressure. Nutritionists told me to eat 6 small meals a day. It just wasn't working for me. I was checking out youtube for everything & accidentally bumped into Dr. Berg's videos and I thought why don't I try his method of living healthy while losing weight. After hopeless methods of losing weight, I was ready for a new beginning. I began IF in July and keto in August n I no longer suffer from high blood pressure n can even play with my son for hours. Honestly, I thank God for Dr. berg every day. He is so informative and his ways are easy to follow. I currently do fitness walking a minimum of 5 miles a day and OMAD diet daily. I weigh 178 lbs currently. My goal weight is 140 lbs so the weight loss journey continues. Any challenges I face at least I run to your keto family for help. Thank you guys for the support!

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