Jill Zegarra Shares Amazing Results - Dr. Berg's Healthy Keto
By: Jill Zegarra
I started out 250 lbs and found dr brug's. Videos and after watching them for a few months i started the keto diet. I lost 50 lbs in 3 months.
What i eat in a day with ingredients
Veggie drink
1 tbl food grade diatomacous earth
1 tbl stivia
1 tbl fresh lemon juice
1 tbl apple cider vinagr
1 tea cinnamon
1 scoop amazon super greens
8 oz water
3 stips bacon & an avacado
Another veggie drink
5oz of protein and a kale shake
1 cup kale
1/2 cup parsley
5 baby carrots
1tbl lemon juice
1 tbl stivia
1 tbl apple cider vinegar
10 oz water.
10pm a cup of perro with stivia and cream
I eath this every day.
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