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I'm following the plan and sharing with your knowledge with my friends and family

Images Story

By: Mohamed Elhosseni

I started on September 11, 2019 with stop eating bread, sugar, rice, pasta and delay my breakfast to be lunch in 12:30 pm and other meal in 6:30 pm and make interval fasting to 12:30 pm next day only take coffee in 9:00 am, water, anis and coffee again at 3:00 pm. I use apple cider vinegar as you said with salad. I was 110 Kg. in the first 30 days I lost 14 Kg to be 96 Kg I lost most water already that was in my body. I continued it and in other 30 days I lost 8 Kg to be 88 Kg and the other 30 days I lost 5 Kg to reach 83 Kg. Wow, amazing! My high is 186 cm feel so perfect with new lifestyle all my coworkers try to know my secret and I share with all your information and transfer it to them - one lost 14 Kg up-to now, she was 94 Kg and now 80 Kg. Even my sister do as I do and lost 24 Kg, she was 94 Kg and now 70 Kg.

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