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I Lost 170 Pounds!

Images Story

By: Brandon Leipert

In my senior year of high school, I was 400 plus pounds I got teased and made fun of my whole childhood. When I graduated it got worse because I had more free time and I guess I fell into boredom eating and realized it was harder for me to do the everyday tasks and harder on my breathing and after I realized I had a problem next came depression and anxiety I thought everyone that looked at was judging me because of my weight and at the time I was in college and had made a few friends that were really into the gym and they kept asking me to go but I just kinda laughed cause I never was the type to work out well one day I gave in and went and after working out the feeling I got and the motivation I had was like a drug and I instantly became addicted since then I've lost 170 lbs and dedicated my life to bodybuilding and healthier habits and one day would love to compete after I have skin surgery.

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