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I lost 150lbs on Keto & saved my life from a Severe Fatty Liver & Liver Fibrosis

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By: David Monte

Back in the summer of 2018, I was experiencing night leg cramps and excessive sweating while asleep - every night. I was extremely exhausted all the time. I weighed 321lbs at 5’11” and 58 years of age. My Doctor sent me for a round of blood tests and found that my ALT was out of whack. My Doctor sent me to a Gastroenterologist. The Gastroenterologist found out that my Ferritin level was extremely high - at 4580 - normal Ferritin levels are 50 and below. I was diagnosed with genetic Hemochromatosis. This is probably why no relative on my mother’s side of the family lived past the age of 64, with my Mom has died at 54 of a Fatal Stroke. My Gastroenterologist also discovered that I also had a severe Fatty Liver. I was eating mostly vegetarian, and I would have a weekly Pizza on Friday nights - a staple in New Jersey - LOL! I’m a lifetime non-smoker and have not had a beer or glass of wine in over 20 years. I was puzzled as to how & why I was being diagnosed with a severe Fatty Liver. My gastroenterologist also took a liver biopsy and found that I had fibrosis of the liver occurring. I had a double-whammy hitting my liver - excessive carbs causing it to be fatty and the iron from hemochromatosis. I had to do something, and FAST! I searched out information about how to get rid of a severe Fatty Liver and discovered Dr. Berg’s YouTube channel and this woke me up. I realized my whole problem was with eating way too many carbs. You see - New Jersey is the Capital of Carbs. Between pizza, soft pretzels, cheesesteaks, & soft serve ice cream, let alone pasta, bread, rice, & potatoes - carboholics are plenty in New Jersey. I immediately went Clean Keto. I also suffer from 3 degenerated lumbar discs, Epstein-Barr Virus, Fibromyalgia, & Hashimoto’s Disease - besides Hemochromatosis. It took me about 3 weeks to adjust to the Clean Keto diet, and I’ve never looked back. I lost about 60lbs in my first 6 months, & then my weight loss slowed down to about 3-5lbs per month. I eventually hit my goal weight loss of 100lbs in the summer of 2020, and have kept going until I hit 171lbs at the end of 2020. I accomplished all this weight loss without much exercise. I cannot perform much exercise due to the lumbar disc issues and fibromyalgia. I currently eat one meal a day (OMAD), and I do Intermittent Fasting (IF) everyday. My midday brunch is a bulletproof Macha Green Tea with Coconut Oil, Heavy Cream, & stevia - Yum! Best of all - my severe Fatty Liver has been reversed. I’m not sure of the Fibrosis of the liver though - I really don’t want to undergo another liver biopsy, as you are awake during the procedure and it was extremely painful. My hemochromatosis is under control now due to phlebotomy treatments. My “cheat days” consist of once a month having a Cauliflower Crust Pizza & Cheeseburgers sans Buns. I have lowered my Cholesterol from over 225 to 158. My HDL went from the ’30s to 61. My LDL went from over 100 to 81. My VLDL is 16. My Triglycerides- which were really high - are now 84. My Vitamin D level is 64.5. My A1C is now 5.1. I love Keto. It’s a lifestyle now and I’ll never return to my old ways of eating. Keto saved my life - otherwise, I was headed for the liver transplant list. PS - I’m also sporting a 6-pack abs now - no crunches, no sit-ups.

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