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I lost 13 lbs in less then my first week keto

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By: Char-lee G.

3 weeks time difference between these pictures. ONLY - 13 lbs lost so far (I'm not complaining about the amount) ...... BUT many have said it looks like way more then 13 lbs. After studying Dr. Berg's videos & suggestions for MONTHS I've had success getting into & staying keto. BUT wondering if anyone else can relate to my struggle??? Like I said above.... I lost 13 lbs in less than my first-week keto.......... And have not budged since then. I also joined the gym and have gone faithfully almost EVERY DAY since starting. It gets frustrating BUT this happens to me every time. I drop a big number within a few days / or a week... then I get stuck at the same number & end up quitting. I'm committed to stick it out. I feel so much better (swelling, tiredness, and 13lbs are gone) BUT I can't help but feel discouraged that the scale is no longer budging. I use carb manager to track & follow everything. I'm also intermediate fasting (only eating 2 meals between noon - 8 pm which is a TOTAL MIRACLE FOR ME, as I am a total grazer& usually eat pretty much around the clock EVEN in the middle of the night when I'd get up to use the bathroom). Any hope, motivation, words of encouragement would be much appreciated!! Thank you in advance.

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